Friday, October 14, 2011

i believe

I have struggled in the past to understand the reason I created a blog. For me, it's not a log of my exciting (I use the term loosely) adventures, it's not where I post the latest pics of my family. I haven't really been sure what to do with it. Tonight, I linked this blog to my profile, and I think I'd like this to be a place I record my "Points of Light." Explanation forthcoming...
Someone who trained as a pilot once told me that they are instructed that if they find themselves flying in a storm, they should NOT keep going and hope they have already passed the worst of it. They are to return to the last "point of light" they saw, and then make a plan for redirection. Sometimes I find myself in the middle of an emotional or spiritual "storm" of sorts. The points of light that I return to are experiences in my past where I knew I was doing the right thing. It works best when I have recorded the points of light, so I can re-read them when I'm working out my own re-direction for my life.
To kick things off, here's a point of light I found in my journal:
January 5, 2003
"Today was not a total loss-I got "the feeling" that tells me I need to bear my testimony (in Relief Society). I needed to share how I don't produce the feeling I get when I "feel the spirit." And it always feels the same when I am learning something true. I am thankful God has given me this testimony. I knelt and told Him so after I read an anonymous note taped to the front door that my testimony helped them."
I knew that truth on that day, but... being mortal, sometimes I slip and forget things. I'm glad I have this point of light recorded to remind me.
To anyone reading this, I'd love your comments to be filled with a "point of light" you have experienced in your life...about a religious situation, or any other decision/re-direction you have experienced!

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