Sunday, October 23, 2011

i believe God created our earth

I love watching science and historical shows on tv. The other night, one was talking about a new telescope that is however-many-times more powerful than Hubble. I found myself glued to the program, especially since there were no commercials, and it got more and more fascinating. Though scientists sometimes feel religion can't possibly account for the evidence they find, I was having a very different experience. "Worlds without number" that God showed Moses, and the promise of becoming gods and goddesses ourselves seemed so positively possible that I got chills.

In searching for the scriptural reference to "worlds without number," I found this very interesting talk (published in April 1971, relatively soon after man walked on the moon): Yes, I am lame enough that I can't get this to turn into a link, so please paste to a browser for full viewing enjoyment!

Another night, I saw a show w/Mr. Hawking, explaining Quantum Physics, and how they prove there is no God. I may not have the vocabulary to express it adequately, but I belive, deep down in my being, that the ultimate explanation requires God to be in the equation of creation. And yet, I also believe that the Creator works with a set of rules for matter that are His powerful tools, not restrictions on His Almighty-ness. I'm really glad there are some things He has seen fit not to reveal to humans while they are mortal. I can barely handle Calculus with this brain. My ressurected version is very likely to have some upgrades.


Laura Orton said...

I completely agree! I am interested in Darwin and evolution and modification of species based on natural selection or their environment or society or whatever reason that a living thing has to change. I do not believe that the individual changes that occur in God's creations prove that He did not create them. I absolutely believe in the rules that establish parameters and that He works in those parameters. But then I believe that either single members or entire groups can change over time and that He directs and encourages this. Why else would humans continually increase in knowledge and technology, because it's in His plan. The same reason that bugs, birds, fish and all animals change over time to better adapt to the conditions in the world around them. What an intricate and beautiful plan that He created and we can grow in.

Amy said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I have always felt that science and religion CAN go hand in hand. We know that God has rules and he knows all of them and we don't. Our limited understanding of science makes it difficult to understand how things were created and how they all work together. But God is omnipotent - he knows and understands it all and someday we will too. Can you imagine what that will be like - to understand all the amazing things that he has accomplished and created? Mind-boggling!

Colleen/Grandma/Mom said...

Well stated, Angela and Laura! You both think deeply and write your thoughts very well! I enjoyed reading these--and I totally agree!