Thursday, August 20, 2009

mommy hugger, little bugger, chocolate milk chugger, princess backpack lugger.

Daddy melting, question pelting.

puppy husher, giggly gusher, never a rusher.

worm holder, important paper folder, getting bolder.

long hair, loves a good scare, changes what she wears.

twirly dancy, dressing fancy, rather sassy.

answers with "sure!", her hugs often cure, heart so pure!
(thanks for all the sweet pics, Grandma!)


Colleen/Grandma/Mom said...

She takes me back about 25 years--lots of strong similarities between Leah and her amazing Mommy!

Diana said...

Yes, your mini-me is ADORABLE!! :D

Amy said...

Cute pictures.

I mostly wanted to tell you how wonderful the 5th Sunday lesson was. I just didn't get a chance on Sunday. I very much enjoyed it and was inspired. It reminded me of the type of lesson or talk that would be given at EFY or Women's Conference. Looking forward to hearing from you again.

Stephanie said...

Your cutie little girl is not so little anymore! And congratulations for the little boy you're expecting - SO exciting. Boys are fun :D Good luck with the last bit, isn't that always the hardest?