Tuesday, June 23, 2009

He's a BOY!

He was squirmy and extremely active, but we got great measurements, and everything looks healthy, and we're all really happy! The Big Sister is not entirely aware of the impact of the situation on her own life, but I know she'll be a gem when it comes time to be Mommy's little helper!
The hubby is excited, but wants everyone to know he would not be one stitch less excited to have another girl! He is the sweetest Daddy ever!
We got some boyish fabric on the way home from the ultrasound for a blanket, we already have some construction themed fabric (to honor his Daddy) for making bibs, and I have some boy clothes and books I've been saving "just in case." I'll be able to shop some clearance racks for clothing with trucks and puppies on them from now until Nov. We're "ready enough," although lots will still change before he gets here! :)

Oh yeah... I guess he will need a name! :)


Tina said...

That is so exciting! Congrats Angela!!!!

Amy said...

Congratulations! Boys are great.

Laura said...

Congratulations! Glad to hear that everything is healthy and growing well.

Charisse said...

Congratulations Angela! We are anxiously awaiting our first boy too!!

Head Over Hills said...

Congrats! So excited for you guys!

Stephanie said...

Congratulations...so much fun!

Grandma Turtle said...

I like that we can learn gender early on, because it helps me get ready for my new little ones. I'm excited to meet him and talk to him, and hold him 'til we both fall asleep. :) Congratulations to all 4 of You!

Kyle and Tiffany said...

Congrats! It really is a lot of fun to have one of both. Leah will be a great big sister. We're really excited for you guys.

Lance and Kristi said...

Yeah for Hunsaker boys!!! I can't wait to see some pregnancy pictures. Are you gonna post some?

It will be fun for me to shop for you now!
