Monday, September 29, 2008

Giant Poodle

We were trimming the trees when we saw such a sight! It looked like a poodle, but wow! with such height! (click the pic to see it big, then hit Back on your browser to return)


Grandma Turtle said...

Is that really just a DOG? It is so HUGE! Shouldn't a girl so small be somewhat terrified of a dog so large?

Kyle and Tiffany said...

WOW! That is a BIG poodle.

Colleen/Grandma/Mom said...

Is that Leah? She has grown a ton since I've seen her!

HunsakerMama said...

Yes, Aunt Colleen... Leah's the one on the RIGHT! :) hee hee!

Kat Curtis said...

That is a HUGE dog! I can't believe it. Craziness.

By the way, you've been tagged. If you want to play, check out my blog ( for the rules. If not, that's totally fine, but I'd love to hear what you have to say.

I hope you guys are doing well - and Paul does take awesome pictures.